Life Is Like A Pair Of Pants
Life is like a pair of pants,
According to my mother dear,
Regardless of your happenstance,
Let all with ears to hear, come hear!
A fresh new pair of pants- Exciting!
A call for all to see- Inviting!
You pull them on, posing away,
You know you'll have a good day today!
You skip, you jump, you roll about,
These pants make you just want to shout!
Then- oops! You trip, you hear a "Rip"!
And- there! A tear, right on your knee,
The hugest hole you did ever see!
Too big, too wide, too large to hide,
What can be done? What can be tried?
Well, you won't get much done complaining,
So dry your tears, and face your fears,
Find your tools and let's start mending!
There they are, good as new- Nearly!
Whose to say they weren't like that- Really?
In fact, that patch, it's quite a match,
To your unique and special style!
That really wasn't so bad a trial!
My mother once told this to me,
Life is like a pair of pants,
Cause just like in reality,
No matter what your circumstance,
No one is perfect, we all sometimes fall,
So dust off those pants, and try to stand tall!
-Tessa Dior
Just so you know the advice that life is like a pair of pants was given to me by a friend from middle school, but I couldn't think of a good rhyme for "Life is like a pair of pants, according to a friend of mine." And this poem is written with a children audience in mind, (though, of course, adults can benefit from it too!) I thought it would be better for a child to be influenced by my poem to listen to the advice of their parents more than their friends.Someday I want to publish it in the form of a children's book, (kind of like My CTR Ring!) can't you just imagine the cute illustrations?
I wrote this during Math class, and so I have proven that Math is not a waste of time, I mean, look at the wonderful poems I can write whilst learning the various APR rates and how they are calculated. Writing these poems and short entries on my blog are further inspiring my decision to change my major to Creative Writing. I'm just so happy when I'm writing! Thanks for all of your love and support!