June 19, 2008

Our Beloved Berry

Were you, my dear general population, aware that the most glamorous of fruits, the royalty of tropical emblems is in fact-!
A Berry??

Rest assured I was pretty surprised myself as Pineapples don't seem to slightly resemble their blueberry cousins. But the evidence is undeniable. After a lengthy conversation and a few big words I was convinced. I would've been more than happy to explain this phenomenon, but alas, my shock seems to have blurred my memory.
Here are some more plant facts- http://sophia.smith.edu/badseeds/plantfacts.html

By the way, I also got my senior portraits done today! They invited us to bring a prop or two for our photos, so I, being myself, brought a luscious pineapple to pose with. It was a lot of fun! I'll post them up when we get the prints anywhere in the next two weeks!


Becky said...

So, what's with the pineapple fetish? It's a great fruit, I agree, but why not pose with an apple or a prickly pear? I've even seen halved coconuts serve as great braziers or hooves if you like that kind of clacking sound everywhere you go. Just curious.

Tessa Dior said...

It's undeniable, there are a lot of great fruits out there, but the pineapple will always remain to be special to me...
It started many many summers ago in the depths of 7th grade.I simply started to use pineapples for a drawing model, they were so interesting and new to me, that after a while I signed my name with them, and people began to call me pineapple...
Ever since it's just been part of my identity! A lot of kids and teachers like to call me pineapple so I figure it's what I'll be remembered by! =D